The Courtmates

The Court is made of more than granite and grapes. Hear from the people who shape this space.

We’re proud to say we have a diverse and growing community of creative souls who’ve called this place home. Here’s a snapshot of their experience.

Adam Wakeling

Documentary filmmaker, Up In Smoke (2011)

Goals: Finalise story outline for the editing phase of latest feature. Record Voiceovers.

I said this so many times to so many people since I've got back… there's this sense of nudging and that felt pretty nurturing... There's an empathic channel there which is amazingly valuable… (Sharing a presentation of my project with everyone) was pivotal absolutely pivotal and it really actually gave me some really really good ideas…

It’s the experience of openness, of being able to give and receive... It actually opened me up... I think it’s really changed me…

Because what I got from this ultimately is the courage to go I can do this I'm going to do it… you know.

Nour Wazzi

Director, Locked In (2023)

Goals: Write first draft of latest film idea. Pitch idea to Producers.

As a filmmaker I find living in the city deprives me of quality of life - that necessary balance we desperately need as human beings. There’s something about being around nature, in the sunshine, around the perpetually positive hosts Sharlit & Charlie that enriches the soul. I went wild swimming in the nearby lake most mornings, picked, juiced & drank fresh oranges (yum!), went for walks and waterfall excursions, did regular yoga sessions, meditated in the sun, had meaningful chats and played games - all while completing a script from start to finish. If that’s not enough the best version of life what is?

Daniel Fajemisin-Duncan


Goals: Finalise story outline for latest TV project.

´O Court of Cavalum. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.’ Seriously, I have loved my time here. It’s perfect for all my creative and personal needs. It’s a vibrant, rustic house full of history and life. The mini library sparked my inspiration and has an amazing view of flora and fauna. Working with my writing partner in London was seamless thanks to the robust Wi-Fi. Didn’t have any Zoom calls drop out! Plus there are quiet spots, loud spots, grassy spots, social spots to do work. I also enjoyed being around other creatives and feeding off the dynamic, artistic energy. On top of all that, Sharlit and Charlie really took care of me and made me feel like this could be a second home and a worthwhile way of life - not just a workplace!

Dena Arya

Academic and Sociologist

Goals: Finish Doctoral thesis.

In the summer of 2023 I completed my PhD thesis. As anyone who has ever embarked on such a journey knows, the last month is synonymous with the last part of a marathon - exhausting and sweaty. Luckily for me I was able to rewrite the narrative of what completing a thesis looked like. I spent the last two months prior to submission at the Court of Cavalum where I was able to slow down and draw nourishment from my environment. Days would begin in the study where I wrote until the sun was in just the right position for al fresco writing. I would take thinking breaks in the hammock and go for walks. By incorporating nature, good food (good wine!) and, most importantly, inspiring grounds and rooms at the Court- I was able to reach the end of my journey with a smile on my face. Between the lines of my thesis I can still see the sun setting over the hills of Cavalum. Get ready guys all I need is a book deal and you are going to be faced with a long term resident!

Michelle Roche

Performance artist and Facilitator

Goals: Write the first draft of a new play. Finish the production on first series of an audio play. Remotely facilitate a Business skills course for youths in Africa with The British Council.

The barn was my workspace and Studio which was very very exciting because I've never had a studio space before to myself…

I did it all from the barn, you know we were doing all the writing workshops, the editing, the working with the sound designer, the testing, the interviews, testing in London, testing in Bristol and testing in Portugal.

so yeah it was great it's really great to be able to have that space… With people that get it, you know I think that really makes a difference … not just a bunch of people… you guys are all artists as well… you know what's going to work and what the kind of feedback is that I need..

Fionn Travers-Smith

Ethical Finance Designer and Filmmaker

Goals: Design a new career path around creating meaningful impact. Conquer a creative block and edit a mini-documentary about Cambodia.

 I came to the court actually a little lost in myself and in my expression of who I wanted to be and where I wanted to take my practice.

One of the beautiful things that happened through our process was it kind of unveiled a broader exploration of who I am and what I enjoy in my life, to work on truly understanding myself and to then embrace that as my foundation. I particularly remember our first ‘play shop' you called it, it really brought this home to me that this was about more than just a career and having it in a work framework… instead it was really more of an identity piece that was driving where I needed to go and what I needed to do next.

To be able to explore that in such a great outdoors and inspirational space, taking the time to answer those questions fully and to have such confident, sensitive, and nurturing facilitation really helped me to be vulnerable and to unlock breakthrough insights and to build from a place of strength. It was actually a much more challenging experience than I was expecting, but so worthwhile and rewarding at the same time and in glad I gave myself a long amount of time to do this properly and to experience the seasons change at the court as I grew too.

P. Simkins

Fine Artist

Goals: Create and collect inspiration for a new series of paintings.

I was able to play around… create some sort of scene or several different scenes and take shots… I wanted to get photographs for a series of paintings…great opportunity to have this space and have this number of people who are willing to join in and.. and get dressed up and take part in one of the photo shoots…everybody was so friendly you know and they were really such willing contributors.

Set up a little studio blue screen… playing around with lighting and setting up shots for a series of still life paintings… one of the interesting parts of this photo shoot was being able to walk around the farm and find really interesting sometimes antique little objects that I could bring into the paintings

You have the opportunity…writing this application… usually you're writing at home and you know you're on your own… you think that’ll be alright… you know… this is the best I can do… send it off…. But this time I thought well I'm going to make the most of being in an environment where people can… I can ask their advice and… and yeah so… so I did that and we got a great result… I got accepted so I'm really happy about it yeah.

 I can put myself in… into… inside the studio and do some drawing but you know also… was also important to look around and see the environment that was around me and take that in and… and you know learn different skills… I think that in the first three days I learned two new skills… one was to gut a fish and the other one was to ride a horse… so I’m really glad I took those opportunities.

Natasha Moore

Broadcasting and Production

Goals: Find a healthier work/ life balance.

I've been working remotely for far too long, so it was great to spend time at The Court of Cavalum with Sharlit and Charlie and to feel part of their creative community whilst continuing to work for a major UK broadcaster.  They have created a unique and inspiring space and welcome their guests with such warmth that you really do feel the courtmate comradery. There are various options for working spaces so you can discover the setting that best suits you and your task for the day, whether that's a quiet sunny spot for independent contemplation, a seat at the communal working space with fellow creatives or seeking out creative inspiration from the bounding beauty of the surrounding farmland, vines and waterfall. It was a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to visit again!

My favourite working space was surely the sunny stoop where I bathed in the sunshine with Gin (the dog!) from 8.30am until 6pm everyday. I also enjoyed watching the coming and going of other residents from this vantage point!

Other than routine work, I attempted to help with various tasks which coincides with one of my favourite moments which was when a group of us were renovating a wall. We laughed as much as we sweated, it was wonderful to work with a group to (slowly!) achieve a common goal.


3D Artist - Architectural Visualisation

Goals: Escape the darkness and coldness of the north, meet new wonderful people even though working remotely

Coming to work remotely at Co Cavalum was a perfect November escape plan. I have been working remotely since 2018 from Thailand, Lisbon, Saint-Petersburg, Helsinki and Gdansk. When you work remotely the challenge often is to get enough quality socialising, and I knew that if I come to stay with Sharlit and Charlie, this one will be covered.

It was magical to stay and work at this fairytale fortress, getting lost in charming interiors, doing yoga on the sunny terrace, picking up mandarins from a tree. A separate 100 points go to the most delicious meals Sharlit has cooked for lunches. Accommodation felt like a scene from HBO in a good way and wifi worked seamlessly.

I have not only spent a great, exceptionally positive November, but have also made a life-time memories, hope to come back soon!


Video Game Creator, Jenny LeClue

Goals: Create a ´vertical slice´ of latest game. Play and explore material. Optimise backend processes.

I’ve had a few attempts at being a “digital nomad”. Previous experiences were heavy on the lifestyle, but light on getting any work done. I’m so accustomed to spending hours on my own tapping away at a keyboard, any distraction risks being overwhelming.

But this place is truly unique. Sharlit and Charlie have created a space that is just the right balance of stimulating and nurturing. Quiet space when you need it, inspiration when creativity is running dry, and a refreshing camaraderie among the courtmates. I settled in quickly, and made significant progress on my project. From a practical perspective, the wifi was reliable and fast, and the rooms were cool & comfortable.

On days off, we explored the incredible landscape that Porto has to offer. Canyoning along the Cavalum River, wakeboarding at the cable park, swimming in lake Tamega. I raised a few laughs (and perhaps some concern) when I earnestly described the picturesque waterfalls of Geres as “just like a video game!”

My fondest memories are of dinners outside on the terrace, drinking home made wine, talking about anything and everything, watching the sun set behind the hills and wishing I could stay forever.

Can’t wait to return!